eating potatoes

Potato is a type of vegetable that grows under the ground. Potatoes contain carbohydrates and fats. These include carotenoids such as lutein and Jaxin Thin which improve heart function. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents damage to the blood vessels. Potatoes are also used to make medicine. By knowing the advantages and disadvantages of potato, you will be able to consume potatoes well. It contains mineral elements such as potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Potatoes also contain vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. For this reason, it is very beneficial for our health. People consume raw potato juice to overcome stomach disorders. Use of potato helps in prevention of diseases like arthritis, infection, sores, burns, cancer, digestion, blood pressure, etc. In this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of potato.

Benefits of potato

Benefits of eating potato to increase weight

For those who want to increase their weight, potato is a good diet. Potatoes are mainly found in carbohydrates and are low in protein. Potatoes also contain vitamin C and vitamin B-complexhus, which help in proper absorption of carbohydrates. This is why potato helps you in increasing your weight.

Benefits of potato in keeping the heart healthy –

High BP is the main cause of heart diseases. Potatoes contain many minerals which help in lowering blood pressure. Some studies suggest that high amounts of potassium reduce the likelihood of heart diseases. Consuming potatoes is beneficial to keep the heart healthy.

Benefits of applying potato on the skin 

Potatoes contain a good amount of vitamin C and B-complex. At the same time, potatoes also contain mineral substances such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc which are very good for skin. You can grind potatoes and mix honey in it and apply it in your face. It also helps in treating pimples and spots on your skin.

Prevent cancer

Red and juicy potatoes contain good amounts of flavonoid antioxidants such as jexine thin and carotene, vitamin A, etc., which can protect you from many types of cancer. In addition, a study of agricultural research has shown that potato contains a compound called carcotin with anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. Vitamin A and Vitamin C with antioxidant properties help protect your body from the effects of cancer.

Reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by diabetes, stress, indigestion, nutrient balance, diet and many other reasons. Potatoes can reduce the effects of many of these possible causes. They can be used to relieve high blood pressure due to stress. Potatoes contain very good amounts of vitamin C and fiber which can cure indigestion. But if high blood pressure is due to diabetes, then potato consumption should be avoided. Potashim present in potato also reduces blood pressure because it acts as a vasodilator.

To remove stones –

Kidney stones are mainly caused by the increasing levels of uric acid in blood. In such cases, foods with high protein should be avoided, especially meat proteins such as meat, turkey shrimp, fish, eggs and milk, etc. which increase uric acid in the blood. Potatoes contain both good amounts which are not suitable as a preventive measure for kidney stones, but potatoes also contain magnesium which prevents the accumulation of calcium (calcification) in the kidneys and other tissues, which cause kidney stones. Is beneficial for the treatment of.

Benefits of potato in digestion –

Potatoes are easy to digest due to good carbohydrates and also strengthen digestion. But keep in mind that eating a high quantity of potatoes can increase the acidity over time. Because potato has high fiber content. This stimulates the peristochalpy movement and increases the secretion of gastric juices, which make digestion easier. It prevents conditions like constipation while protecting against serious disease like colorectal cancer.

Benefits of potato juice in treating scurvy –

Schizophrenia is caused by vitamin C deficiency. Potatoes contain a good amount of Vitamin C which helps in preventing this disease. It protects against cracked lips, spasms and gums from bleeding gums and viral infections.

Potato disadvantage

Eating potatoes is generally considered healthy and safe. However, in some cases people should avoid consuming excessive amounts of potato. Due to food allergies, some people may have allergies to one of the main proteins in potatoes, the patatin. If you are thinking about losing weight then avoid consuming potatoes.

People with diabetes should avoid potato consumption as it can increase your blood sugar imbalance.

Gaining weight

Calories People who suffer from obesity should not consume potatoes. Making and eating potatoes with popular high fat foods such as butter, cheese and sour cream can increase your obesity. Taking such a diet increases the amount of fat and calories in the body which can lead to weight gain. Apart from this, fried potatoes, potato chips and patties are also high in fat and calories.

Diabetes problem increases

Potatoes especially peeled potatoes affect your blood sugar. Let us tell you that potatoes have high glycemic index. High glycemic index helps to increase blood sugar and insulin. Potato chips and french fries are also high-glycemic. If potatoes are said in large amounts, it would cause a massive sugar imbalance, with this type 2 diabetes and diabetes problem increases.

Do not consume potatoes in these diseases

Do not consume potatoes in the condition of wind, soreness and constipation. Apart from this, potato should not be consumed in diarrhea, flow, hemorrhoids. Especially the patients of piles should avoid consuming potato. This causes more bleeding in the piles.

Gas problem

Potato is one of the most revered vegetables of Indian food, but excessive consumption can cause you gas problems. Excess consumption of potato can increase the problem of gas, abdominal pain and bloating. This problem is aggravated when you consume high-fat potatoes or if you consume potatoes too much or too quickly.

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